健康、安全、蓬勃的三藩市債券。為了購置或改善不動產提供資金,包括:臨時庇護所,特別是針對家庭的庇護所;提供醫療服務的設施,包括預防性保健和行為健康服務,例如華埠公共衛生局;Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院和創傷中心以及Laguna Honda醫院的重大維修、翻新和抗震升級;行人和街道安全改善,街景提升和其他公共空間改善;並支付相關費用;三藩市市縣是否應該發行3.9億美元的一般義務債券,從發行日期起為期最多30年,預估平均稅率為每100美元物業估值0.0069美元,預計平均年收入為3,100萬美元,並接受獨立公民監督和定期審計?市府目前的債務管理政策是隨著舊債券的清償和稅基的增長發行新債券,將市府一般義務債券的物業稅稅率保持在2006年的稅率以下,然而該稅率可能會因其他因素而變化。
本提案需要有662⁄3%的贊成票才能獲得通過。 然而,若選民同時通過州提案5,則本提案需要有55%的贊成票便可通過。
- 高達9,910萬美元用於購置或改善社區健康中心,包括高達7,110萬美元用於華埠公共衛生局的抗震改造和翻新,以及高達2,800萬美元用於搬遷市立診所;
- 高達6,600萬美元用於維修和翻新Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院和創傷中心(總醫院)以及Laguna Honda醫院和康復中心;
- 高達4,000萬美元用於總醫院的抗震改造;
- 高達6,390萬美元用於街道和人行道安全專案;
- 高達4,100萬美元用於改善及現代化三藩市市中心的公共空間;
- 高達2,500萬美元用於Harvey Milk廣場;
- 高達500萬美元用於公園和休閒中心;以及
- 高達5,000萬美元用於庇護所或臨時住房,以減少家庭無家可歸現象。
市主計官Greg Wagner就提案B對本市財政的影響發表以下聲明:
a) 在2025–2026財政年度(財年),即發行第一輪債券後,根據對發行債券所需稅收的最佳估算,物業稅稅率將為每100美元估值0.0040美元(每10萬美元4.00美元)。
b) 在2029–2030財政年度,即發行最後一輪債券之後的最高預估稅率年,根據對發行債券所需稅收的最佳估算,物業稅稅率將為每100美元估值0.0101美元(每10萬美元10.10美元)。
c) 如果提議的3.9億元一般義務債券全數發行並出售,則連本帶利需要償還的債務總額的最佳估算約為7.37億美元。
d) 從2025–2026財年到2046–2047財年的整個預計期限,這些債券平均稅率的最佳估算為每100美元的估值0.0069美元(每10萬美元6.90美元)。
e) 根據這些估算,對於房屋估值70萬美元的業主而言,這些債券的最高年度物業稅成本估計約為70美元。
市憲章規定,在任何時間內,市府一般義務債券(「市府一般義務債券」)的未償還金額不得超過本市應課稅物業估值的3%。由三藩市社區大學區、三藩市聯合校區和灣區捷運(BART)或其他非市府個體發行的債券不會計入市憲章的限額。截至2024年6月30日, 市府一般義務債券的未償還金額為22億美元(相當於城市應稅物業估值的0.6%)。另外還有16億美元的市府一般義務債券已獲授權但尚未發行。如果提議的一般義務債券獲得選民批准,(i) 未償還和 (ii) 已授權但未發行的市府一般義務債券總額將為42億美元,約佔本市應課稅物業估值的1.2%。這項計算乃假定選民授權的所有債券均已發行,包括提議的一般義務債券提案。
Proponent’s Argument in Favor of Proposition B
- 對Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院進行緊急的抗震和安全改善,該醫院是三藩市唯一的一級創傷中心,也是地震或重大危機時的城市災難應變中心。
- 將Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院精神科緊急服務的容量提高一倍,增加精神保健服務的使用需求。
- 確保Laguna Honda醫院和康復中心的關鍵基礎設施和抗震維修,保持醫院營運,滿足嚴格的州和聯邦監管要求,以提供最高品質的醫療服務。
- 擴大華埠公共衛生局和市立診所需要的服務容量。
- 為有子女或孕婦的家庭提供2,300多套新住房,以消除家庭無家可歸的現象為目標。
- 提供330多套急需的新庇護所和過渡性住房。
- 提供資金以改善行人穿越道和人行道的安全和路面重鋪。
市長London Breed
市議會主席Aaron Peskin
市議員Connie Chan
市議員Matt Dorsey
市議員Joel Engardio
市議員Rafael Mandelman
市議員Myrna Melgar
市議員Dean Preston
市議員Hillary Ronen
市議員Ahsha Safaí
市議員Catherine Stefani
市議員Shamann Walton
Rebuttal to Proponent’s Argument in Favor of Proposition B
Briones 協會
Opponent's Argument Against Proposition B
Briones 協會
Rebuttal to Opponent’s Argument Against Proposition B
- 對Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院進行緊急的抗震和安全改善,該醫院是地震或重大危機時的城市災難應變中心。
- 將Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院精神科緊急服務的容量提高一倍,擴大精神保健設施的使用需求。
- 對Laguna Honda醫院和康復中心進行必要的抗震改造,以確保醫院能符合嚴格的州和聯邦監管要求,繼續營運並提供最高品質的服務。
- 擴大華埠公共衛生局和市立診所需要的服務容量。
- 為有孩子或孕婦的家庭增加2,300多套新住房,以及330多套急需的新家庭庇護所和過渡性住房,目標是要消除家庭無家可歸現象。
市長London Breed
Susan Ehrlich,Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院和創傷中心首席執行官*
Paid Arguments in Favor of Proposition B
- 防震安全:保護醫院結構的完整性,以抵禦地震,保障病人和員工的安全。
- 將精神科緊急服務的容量提高一倍:增加所需的心理保健服務。
- 現代設施:升級過時的系統和設施,加強病人護理,確保符合衛生和安全標準。
- 無間斷服務:確保我們的醫院能夠在緊急情況期間和之後提供不間斷的優質護理。
Susan Ehrlich醫生,Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院首席執行官*
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
維修我們的公立醫院和診所並進行抗震升級,包括Zuckerberg三藩市總醫院和Laguna Honda醫院。
- 為孕婦或有孩子的家庭提供2,300多套新住房,以及330多套急需的新家庭庇護所和過渡性住房,。
加州審計長Malia Cohen
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
華埠公共衛生局不僅是健康中心,還是數千三藩市人的生命線 - 他們依賴華埠公共衛生局提供的基本醫療、牙科保健、心理健康支援等服務。由於80%的患者以中文為母語,診所是我們的移民社區獲得優質醫療服務的重要橋樑。
Sunny Pak醫生,華埠公共衛生局前總監
Albert Yu醫生,華埠公共衛生局前總監
Annie Chung,安老自助處主席兼首席執行官
Kent Woo,華人健康組織聯會執行總監
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
- 提高現場化驗檢測能力,確保為患者提供更快、更準確的結果。
- 提供符合美國殘障人士法案標準的設施,為所有人創造溫馨而包容的環境。
- 採用最先進的空氣品質和通風系統,保護患者和員工免受空氣傳播疾病的侵害。
州參議員Scott Wiener
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
加入Harvey Milk廣場之友的行列,以提案B建設充滿活力的社區空間
提案A提供2,500萬美元在Castro的Muni站重建Harvey Milk廣場,這是一項明智的投資,旨在建設一個充滿活力、更方便、更安全的集會場所,包括新的綠化地、休憩場所,以及位於Castro和Market的中央廣場。Harvey Milk是三藩市的全球大使,值得擁有一個世界級的公民空間來紀念他的歷史,以他傳遞的社會正義、包容和希望的訊息激勵所有人。
Harvey Milk Plaza之友
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
- 提案B將資助三藩市總醫院和Laguna Honda醫院等公共衛生設施的重要升級,確保這些設施安全、通行無障礙,並有能力為所有居民,尤其是最弱勢社區提供服務。
- 提案B為無家可歸家庭增加庇護所和住房,為孕婦或有孩子的家庭提供2,300多套新住房,以便消除家庭無家可歸現象。
- 提案B進行重大的街道安全改善,為所有人創造安全的社區環境。
- 提案B投資創造充滿活力的公共空間,促進社區聯繫和經濟活力。
Vallie Brown,前市議員
Carrie Barnes,三藩市民主黨副主席
Emma Heiken Hare,三藩市民主黨副主席
Lanier Coles,三藩市民主黨總監
Peter Gallotta,三藩市民主黨成員
Lily Ho,三藩市民主黨成員
Bilal Mahmood,三藩市民主黨成員
Marjan Philhour,三藩市民主黨成員
Jade Tu,三藩市民主黨成員
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
債券資金也將優先用於提升公共空間的安全和活力,包括Powell街和附近的纜車轉彎處以及Harvey Milk廣場。透過提高這些區域的吸引力和便利度,提案B將有助於推動市中心和商業區的復甦。
Sharky Laguana,小企業委員會前主席*
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
此外,Harvey Milk廣場將被改造成一個更安全、更有活力的空間,以銘記歷史並成為重要的聚會場所。這項翻新不僅是為了美觀,而是為了營造一個讓每個人都感到賓至如歸和安全的空間。
Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ民主黨俱樂部
Harvey Milk LGBTQ民主黨俱樂部
州參議員Scott Wiener
Bevan Dufty,灣區捷運董事
市議員Matt Dorsey
市議員Joel Engardio
市議員Rafael Mandelman
Honey Mahogany,三藩市民主黨榮譽議長
Debra Walker,藝術家
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
Laguna Honda醫院是全美最大的公立專業護理設施,將進行急需的翻新,以達到聯邦和州的標準。
州參議員Scott Wiener
加州審計長Malia Cohen
三藩市估值官Joaquín Torres
地方檢察官Brooke Jenkins
Bevan Dufty,灣區捷運董事
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市總醫院基金會,2. DeSilva Gates Construction,3. Joseph Grubb。
從壯觀喜慶的Powell Street長廊到鼓舞人心的Harvey Milk廣場,是時候向世界展示,三藩市正處於盛況循環並對重點建築和設施進行新的公共投資。我們可以對共享的公共空間和設施進行針對性的公共投資,以改善我們的身體、社會和社區健康狀況,將多元的族群團結在一起。
Jim Chappell,SPUR前總監*
這項論據的刊登費用的資金真正來源是:Jim Chappell。
Paid Arguments Against Proposition B
儘管花費龐大,無家可歸者問題已成為無法控制的危機,市立大學混亂不堪,學區衰落,交通專案交付延遲數年,超出預算數億美元,我們的基礎設施正在衰敗 — 與此同時,市府預算已增至每年近160億美元。
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. West Coast Property Management & Maintenance Company,2. Geary Real Estate Inc.,3. SkylinePMG, Inc. 。
Legal Text
Ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the City and County of San Francisco on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the purpose of submitting to San Francisco voters a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness of not-to-exceed $390,000,000 to finance the acquisition or improvement of real property, including: facilities to deliver primary healthcare services, emergency medical services, skilled nursing services, and services for persons experiencing mental health challenges or persons with substance use disorders; acquire, improve, and seismically upgrade critical medical care and mental health facilities and emergency shelter facilities; and improvements for certain transportation, pedestrian, and street safety related capital improvements, streetscape enhancements and other public space improvements, and related costs necessary or convenient for each of the foregoing purposes; authorizing landlords to pass-through 50% of the resulting property tax increase, if any, to residential tenants under Administrative Code Chapter 37; providing for the levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest on such Bonds; incorporating review of Bond expenditures under the provisions of the Administrative Code by the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee; setting certain procedures and requirements for the election; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and finding that the proposed Bonds are in conformity with the General Plan, and with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(b).
NOTE: Unchanged Code text and uncodified text are in plain Arial font.
Additions to Codes are in single-underline italics Times New Roman font.
Deletions to Codes are in strikethrough italics Times New Roman font.
Board amendment additions are in double-underlined Arial font.
Board amendment deletions are in strikethrough Arial font.
Asterisks (* * * *) indicate the omission of unchanged Code
subsections or parts of tables.Do NOT delete this NOTE: area.
Be it ordained by the People of the City and County of San Francisco:
Section 1. Findings.
A. According to the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) Point-in-Time Count conducted in January 2022, there were 7,754 people estimated as experiencing homelessness in the City, 4,397 of whom were unsheltered, and over the course of an entire year, many more people experience homelessness.
B. The City, through its Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, currently offers temporary shelter to over 3,500 people per night through a variety of shelter programs including emergency shelter, navigation centers, cabins, safe parking, and transitional housing, but additional shelter beds are needed to meet the needs of unsheltered adults, young adults, and families.
C. The City administers local, state, and federal funded supportive housing to provide long-term affordable housing with on-site social services to people exiting chronic homelessness through a portfolio that includes Single Room Occupancy hotels, newly constructed units, scattered-site units and apartment buildings (“permanent supportive housing” or “PSH”), but the City does not have a sufficient supply of PSH units to meet the demand.
D. The City, through its Department of Public Health, provides healthcare services in a number of settings and through a number of different mechanisms including at existing facilities such as Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, Residential Care Facilities, community clinics, and through contracts with nonprofit service providers.
E. When there is insufficient capacity at any one level of care or facility, longer wait times for services have a detrimental effect on the ability of people to heal and become healthier.
F. Limited state and federal resources and the high cost of construction place a greater burden on local governments to contribute their own limited resources to produce more facilities or expand capacity at existing facilities to provide emergency medical services, preventive healthcare services, temporary shelter, and permanent supportive housing, but the City’s financial resources have not kept pace with demand.
G. The City is responsible for the state of good repair of more than 1,200 miles of streets, approximately 50,000 curb ramp locations, 371 street structures, and 9 plazas, which are heavily used and have longstanding deferred maintenance needs.
H. Streets, curb ramps, street structures, and plazas connect people to jobs, hospitals, shopping centers, and transit -- places that are vital to daily life -- and providing smooth and pothole-free streets and pedestrian rights-of-way is essential to reducing the costs of road-induced damage, preventing accidents for bicyclists and drivers, and creating safe passage for pedestrians.
I. City staff have identified projects to address public safety hazards and improve disabled access, and have identified street repaving, curb ramp, street structures, and plaza improvement programs to address public safety hazards, reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance, improve disabled access, and equitably improve the public right-of-way.
K. Due to the high office vacancy rates after the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in retail vacancy and a significant decrease in sales tax revenue in the Union Square and downtown areas. This Bond will make capital improvements in and around the Union Square and downtown areas that are designed to improve the pedestrian experience as part of a complementary strategy to sustain and improve the downtown retail storefront economy.
L. Infrastructure investment is a known and tested jobs stimulus strategy with a strong multiplier effect, estimated at 5.93 jobs for every million dollars in construction spending according to the REMI Policy Insight model.
M. Since 2005, the City has engaged in regular, long-term capital planning to identify and advance shovel-ready projects that deliver improvements in line with adopted funding principles that prioritize legal and regulatory mandates, life safety and resilience, asset preservation and sustainability, programmatic and planned needs, and economic development.
N. City staff have identified needed capital improvements totaling $390,000,000 in projects and programs relating to acquiring or improving real property, including to improve and make permanent investments in temporary shelters and/or facilities that provide preventive healthcare, emergency medical care, and behavioral health services; invest in critical repairs, renovations, and seismic upgrades at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital; and transportation, pedestrian, and street safety improvements, streetscape enhancements and other public space improvements (as further described in Section 3 below, and herein collectively referred to as the “Project”).
O. The proposed Healthy, Safe, and Vibrant San Francisco Bond (“Bond” ) will provide a portion of the critical funding necessary to finance the costs of the Project in the most cost-effective manner possible.
P. The proposed Bond is recommended by the City’s 10-year capital plan, approved each odd-numbered year by the Mayor of the City and this Board of Supervisors of the City (“Board”).
Section 2. A special election is called and ordered to be held in the City on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness of the City for the Project:
“HEALTHY, SAFE, AND VIBRANT SAN FRANCISCO BOND. $390,000,000 to acquire, construct, or improve real property, including: temporary shelters, particularly for families; facilities that deliver healthcare services, including preventive care and behavioral health services, such as the Chinatown Public Health Center; critical repairs, renovations and seismic upgrades at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital; and pedestrian and street safety improvements, streetscape enhancements, and other public space improvements; and to pay related costs; with a duration of up to 30 years from the time of issuance, an estimated average tax rate of $0.0069/$100 of assessed property value, and projected average annual revenues of $31,000,000, all subject to independent citizen oversight and regular audits; and authorizing landlords to pass-through to residential tenants in units subject to Administrative Code Chapter 37 (“Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance”) 50% of the increase, if any, in the real property taxes attributable to the cost of the repayment of such Bonds.”
The special election called and ordered to be held hereby shall be referred to in this ordinance as the “Bond Special Election.”
Section 3. PROPOSED PROGRAM. Contractors and City departments shall comply with all applicable City laws when awarding contracts or performing work funded with the proceeds of Bonds authorized by this measure, including these projects; provided, however, that no Contractor owned or controlled by a member of the Board of Supervisors that participates in the vote on submitting this measure to the voters shall be permitted to bid on any work funded with proceeds of the Bonds:
A. EXPANDING AND IMPROVING COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS TO DELIVER PREVENTIVE PRIMARY CARE SERVICES, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES, SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES, AND OTHER ANCILLARY HEALTHCARE SERVICES. Up to $99,100,000 of Bbond proceeds will be allocated to acquire or improve real property, including but not limited to finance the construction, acquisition, development, improvement, expansion, and rehabilitation of community health centers, including up to $71,100,000 to seismically retrofit and renovate the Chinatown Public Health Center and up to $28,000,000 to acquire and improve real property for the relocation of the City Clinic.
B. CRITICAL REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS AT ZUCKERBERG SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL HOSPITAL AND TRAUMA CENTER AND LAGUNA HONDA HOSPITAL. Up to $56,000,00066,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to make critical repairs and renovations to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital, including the repair of mechanical systems, fire control systems, and other deferred maintenance needs as well as real property improvements to hospital infrastructure required to meet new regulatory requirements to ensure the hospitals remain operational and in regulatory compliance.
C. SEISMIC UPGRADES AT ZUCKERBERG SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL HOSPITAL AND TRAUMA CENTER TO ENSURE SAFETY. Up to $40,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to pay the costs of improvements at Building 3 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center for seismic retrofits to provide 65,000 square feet of safe and secure working space.
D. STREET SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS. Up to $68,900,000 63,900,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to pay the cost of certain street safety projects Citywide, including projects on the High Injury Network, and making investments to improve pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety by repairing, constructing, and improving transportation infrastructure and equipment, including traffic signal upgrades, constructing and redesigning streets and sidewalks, and certain multimodal streetscape projects.
E. MODERN AND ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC REALM PROJECTS. Up to $46,000,000 41,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will used to improve and modernize public spaces in the downtown San Francisco areas, which could include areas near Powell and Market Streets, including accessibility improvements, and transit access and pedestrian experience enhancements; up to $25,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to improve accessibility, safety, and design at the Harvey Milk Plaza; and up to $5,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to rehabilitate and modernize park infrastructure and improve active recreational spaces.
F. NEW SHELTER SITES. Up to $50,000,000 of Bbond proceeds will be used to pay the costs to acquire, construct, finance, or improve shelter or interim housing sites to reduce unsheltered homelessness, particularly for families.
G. CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. A portion of Bond proceeds shall be used to perform audits of Bond expenditures implied by or necessarily incident to the acquisition or improvement of real property for the Project, as further described in Section 4 and Section 16 herein.
The Bonds shall include the following administrative rules and principles:
A. OVERSIGHT. The proposed Bond funds shall be subject to approval processes and rules described in the San Francisco Charter and Administrative Code. Funds from this measure shall be committed to those potential programs and projects set for in Section 3, to the extent authorized by law and subject to any required environmental review. Pursuant to Administrative Code Section 5.31, the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee shall conduct an annual, independent performance and financial audit review of Bond spending, to ensure that the Bond expenditures have been spent to serve taxpayers of the City in accordance with the objects and purposes of this Ordinance, and shall provide an annual report of the Bond program to the Mayor and the Board. The audits shall be posted in a manner that is easily accessible to the public as provided in subsection B below. The Citizen’s General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee shall receive educational training about bonds and fiscal oversight.
To the extent required by law, the Citizens’ General Bond Oversight Committee shall provide copies of such audit reports to the California State Auditor for its review.
B. TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. The City shall create and maintain a web page outlining and describing the Bbond program, progress, and activity updates, and shall make copies of any financial or performance audits available and reasonably accessible to members of the public. Each of the City’s Capital Planning Committee and the Citizens’ General Obligation Oversight Committee shall also hold an annual public hearing and review on the Bbond program and its implementation.
C. The Controller shall certify that the City has evaluated alternative funding sources for the projects authorized by this Ordinance. The certification regarding the evaluation of alternative funding sources shall be placed on file with the Clerk of the Board, in File No. 240497.
D. Proceeds of the sale of Bonds herein authorized shall be used only for the purposes specified in this Ordinance, and not for any other purpose, including the payment of salaries and other operating expenses of the City. The administrative costs of the City incurred to execute the projects authorized by this Ordinance shall not exceed 5% of the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds.
E. To the extent required by any new law, the City will appoint a citizens’ oversight committee to ensure that Bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes described in this Ordinance. Such oversight committee shall conduct or cause to be conducted an annual independent performance audit to ensure that Bond funds have been expended pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance. In addition, the oversight committee shall conduct or cause to be conducted an annual independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended on the purposes provided in this Ordinance. The audits shall be posted in a manner that is easily accessible to the public. The oversight committee shall provide copies of such audit reports to the California State Auditor for its review.
Members appointed to such oversight committee shall receive educational training about bonds and fiscal oversight.To the extent permitted by law, the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee operating under Administrative Code Section 5.31 shall assume the responsibilities of any required oversight committee.
Section 5. The estimated cost of the bond-financed portion of the project described in Section 2 above was fixed by the Board by the following resolution and in the amount specified below:
Resolution No. , on file with the Clerk of the Board in File No.
240498 $390,000,000.
Such resolution was passed by two-thirds or more of the Board and approved by the Mayor. In such resolution it was recited and found by the Board that the sum of money specified is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City in addition to the other annual expenses or other funds derived from taxes levied for those purposes and will require expenditures greater than the amount allowed by the annual tax levy.
The method and manner of payment of the estimated costs described in this ordinance are by the issuance of Bonds by the City not exceeding the principal amount specified.
Such estimate of costs as set forth in such resolution is adopted and determined to be the estimated cost of such bond-financed improvements and financing, respectively.
Section 6. The Bond Special Election shall be held and conducted and the votes received and canvassed, and the returns made and the results ascertained, determined, and declared as provided in this ordinance and in all particulars not recited in this ordinance such election shall be held according to the laws of the State of California (“State”) and the Charter of the City (“Charter”) and any regulations adopted under State law or the Charter, providing for and governing elections in the City, and the polls for such election shall be and remain open during the time required by such laws and regulations.
Section 7. The Bond Special Election is consolidated with the General Election scheduled to be held in the City on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (“General Election”). The voting precincts, polling places, and officers of election for the General Election are hereby adopted, established, designated, and named, respectively, as the voting precincts, polling places, and officers of election for the Bond Special Election called, and reference is made to the notice of election setting forth the voting precincts, polling places, and officers of election for the General Election by the Director of Elections to be published in the official newspaper of the City on the date required under the laws of the State.
Section 8. The ballots to be used at the Bond Special Election shall be the ballots to be used at the General Election. The word limit for ballot propositions imposed by Municipal Elections Code Section 510 is waived. On the ballots to be used at the Bond Special Election, in addition to any other matter required by law to be printed thereon, shall appear the following as a separate proposition:
“HEALTHY, SAFE, AND VIBRANT SAN FRANCISCO BOND. To finance the acquisition or improvement of real property, including: temporary shelters, particularly for families; facilities that deliver healthcare services, including preventive care and behavioral health services, such as the Chinatown Public Health Center; critical repairs, renovations, and seismic upgrades at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital; and pedestrian and street safety improvements, streetscape enhancements, and other public space improvements; and to pay related costs; shall the City and County of San Francisco issue $390,000,000 in general obligation bonds with a duration of up to 30 years from the time of issuance, an estimated average tax rate of $0.0069/$100 of assessed property value, and projected average annual revenues of $31,000,000, subject to independent citizen oversight and regular audits?”
The City's current debt management policy is to keep the property tax rate for City general obligation bonds below the 2006 rate by issuing new bonds as older ones are retired and the tax base grows, though this property tax rate may vary based on other factors.
Each voter to vote in favor of the foregoing bond proposition shall mark the ballot in the location corresponding to a "YES" vote for the proposition, and to vote against the proposition shall mark the ballot in the location corresponding to a "NO" vote for the proposition.
Section 9. If at the Bond Special Election it shall appear that two-thirds of all the voters voting on the proposition voted in favor of and authorized the incurring of bonded indebtedness for the purposes set forth in such proposition, then such proposition shall have been accepted by the electors, and the Bonds authorized shall be issued upon the order of the Board. Such Bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding that permitted by law.
The votes cast for and against the proposition shall be counted separately and when two-thirds of the qualified electors, voting on the proposition, vote in favor, the proposition shall be deemed adopted.
Section 10. The actual expenditure of Bond proceeds provided for in this ordinance shall be net of financing costs.
Section 11. For the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the Bonds, the Board shall, at the time of fixing the general tax levy and in the manner for such general tax levy provided, levy and collect annually each year until such Bonds are paid, or until there is a sum in the Treasury of the City, or other account held on behalf of the Treasurer of the City, set apart for that purpose to meet all sums coming due for the principal and interest on the Bonds, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such Bonds as the same becomes due and also such part of the principal thereof as shall become due before the proceeds of a tax levied at the time for making the next general tax levy can be made available for the payment of such principal.
Section 12. This ordinance shall be published in accordance with any State law requirements, and such publication shall constitute notice of the Bond Special Election and no other notice of the Bond Special Election hereby called need be given.
Section 13. The Board, having reviewed the proposed legislation, makes the following findings in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), California Public Resources Code, Sections 21000 et seq., the CEQA Guidelines, Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Sections 15000 et seq. ("CEQA Guidelines"), and San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 31. The Board finds, affirms, and declares:
(i) The proposed funding for the Chinatown Public Health Center project was determined by the Planning Department to be exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 exemption for existing facilities pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, as set forth in the Planning Department’s memorandum dated May 6, 2024 , which determination is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 240497 (“Planning Department Memorandum”) and is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
(ii) The remaining portion of the proposed funding described in Section 3A of this ordinance is not an activity subject to CEQA because it would not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment pursuant to CEQA Section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and is not a "project" as defined under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378(b)(4), as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
B. CRITICAL REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS AT ZUCKERBERG SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL HOSPITAL AND TRAUMA CENTER AND LAGUNA HONDA HOSPITAL: The proposed funding for critical repairs and renovations at Zuckerberg General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital is not an activity subject to CEQA because it would not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment pursuant to CEQA Section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and is not a "project" as defined under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378(b)(4), as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
C. SEISMIC UPGRADES AT ZUCKERBERG SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL HOSPITAL AND TRAUMA CENTER TO ENSURE SAFETY: The proposed funding for seismic upgrades at Zuckerberg General Hospital and Trauma Center Building 3 was determined by the Planning Department to be not a "project" as defined under CEQA Section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378, as it is not an activity which may cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and the scope of the project is consistent with San Francisco Planning’s “Processing Guidance: Not a Project Under CEQA” memorandum dated September 18, 2013, as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
(i) HARVEY MILK PLAZA: The proposed funding for Harvey Milk Plaza has been determined to be exempt from CEQA as a Class 2 exemption for replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
(ii) The remaining portion of the proposed funding described in Section 3E of this ordinance is not an activity subject to CEQA because it would not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment pursuant to CEQA Section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and is not a "project" as defined under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378(b)(4), as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
G. CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: The proposed role of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee is not an activity subject to CEQA because it would not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment pursuant to Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2) and is not a "project" as defined under CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4), as set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum, which determination is hereby affirmed and adopted by this Board for the reasons set forth in the Planning Department Memorandum.
H. Based on the whole record before the Board, there are no substantial project changes, no substantial changes in project circumstances, and no new information of substantial importance that would change the conclusions set forth in the exemption determinations by the Planning Department that, as described above, the proposed projects are exempt from environmental review.
I. For the portion of the proposed funding that does not constitute a project pursuant to CEQA, the use of bond proceeds to finance any specific project or portion of any specific project will be subject to approval of the applicable decision-making body at that time, upon completion of planning and any further required environmental review under CEQA.
Section 14. The Board finds and declares that the proposed Bonds (a) were referred to the Planning Department in accordance with Section 4.105 of the San Francisco Charter and Section 2A.53(f) of the Administrative Code, (b) are in conformity with the priority policies of Section 101.1(b) of the San Francisco Planning Code, and (c) are consistent with the City’s General Plan, and adopts the findings of the Planning Department, as set forth in the General Plan Referral Report dated May 6, 2024, a copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Board in File No. 240497 and incorporates such findings by this reference.
Section 15. Under Section 53410 of the California Government Code, the Bonds shall be for the specific purposes authorized in this ordinance and the proceeds of such Bonds will be applied only for such specific purposes. The City will comply with the requirements of Sections 53410(c) and 53410(d) of the California Government Code.
Section 16. CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. The Bonds are subject to, and incorporate by reference, the applicable provisions of Administrative Code Sections 5.30-5.36 ("Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee"). Under Administrative Code Section 5.31, to the extent permitted by law, 0.1% of the gross proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited in a fund established by the Controller’s Office and appropriated by the Board of Supervisors at the direction of the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee to cover the costs of such committee.
Section 17. The time requirements specified in Administrative Code Section 2.34 are waived.
Section 18. The City hereby declares its official intent to reimburse prior expenditures of the City incurred or expected to be incurred prior to the issuance and sale of any series of the Bonds in connection with the Project. The Board hereby declares the City’s intent to reimburse the City with the proceeds of the Bonds for expenditures with respect to the Project (the “Expenditures” and each, an “Expenditure”) made on and after that date that is no more than 60 days prior to the passage of this Ordinance. The City reasonably expects on the date hereof that it will reimburse the Expenditures with the proceeds of the Bonds.
Each Expenditure was and will be either (a) of a type properly chargeable to a capital account under general federal income tax principles (determined in each case as of the date of the Expenditure), (b) a cost of issuance with respect to the Bonds, or (c) a nonrecurring item that is not customarily payable from current revenues. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the Bonds expected to be issued for the Project is $390,000,000. The City shall make a reimbursement allocation, which is a written allocation by the City that evidences the City’s use of proceeds of the applicable series of Bonds to reimburse an Expenditure, no later than 18 months after the later of the date on which the Expenditure is paid or the related portion of the Project is placed in service or abandoned, but in no event more than three years after the date on which the Expenditure is paid. The City recognizes that exceptions are available for certain “preliminary expenditures,” costs of issuance, certain de minimis amounts, expenditures by “small issuers” (based on the year of issuance and not the year of expenditure) and Expenditures for construction projects of at least five years.
Section 19. Landlords may pass through to residential tenants under the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Administrative Code Chapter 37) 50% of any property tax increase, if any, that may result from the issuance of Bonds authorized by this ordinance. The City may enact ordinances authorizing tenants to seek waivers from the pass-through based on financial hardship.
Section 20. The appropriate officers, employees, representatives, and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to do everything necessary or desirable to accomplish the calling and holding of the Bond Special Election, and to otherwise carry out the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 21. Documents referenced in this ordinance are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 240497, which is hereby declared to be a part of this ordinance as if set forth fully herein.