市主計官Greg Wagner就提案H對本市財政的影響發表以下聲明:
Proponent’s Argument in Favor of Proposition H
市議員Catherine Stefani
市議會主席Aaron Peskin
市議員Connie Chan
市議員Matt Dorsey
市議員Joel Engardio
市議員Myrna Melgar
市議員Ahsha Safai
三藩市消防員工會本地798分會秘書Adam Wood
Rebuttal to Proponent’s Argument in Favor of Proposition H
Opponent's Argument Against Proposition H
在2012年1月6日之後受聘的三藩市消防員也知道,領取全額退休金的新退休年齡為58歲(之前為55歲)。由於市府數十年來的財政管理不善,因此有必要修改領取退休金的年齡。透過提高該日之後受聘的消防員的員工供款率,選民保護了消防員的退休金。需要削減開支。三藩市在2008年至2012年的蕭條週期中避免了破產。加州的其他城市就沒那麼幸運 – 許多經歷了市政破產。
Rebuttal to Opponent’s Argument Against Proposition H
市議員Catherine Stefani
市議員Connie Chan
Paid Arguments in Favor of Proposition H
作為一名戰勝癌症的 SFFD 消防員,我親身體驗到消防員罹患癌症的機率是其他人的 2-3 倍。因為消防工作不單對身體和精神上有要求,它還存在著大多數人看不到的危險。我們衝進燃燒的建築物,每天都會接觸有毒致癌物質,如煙霧,煙氣和有害物質,這些物質隨著時間的推移在我們體內積累,經常會導致危及生命的疾病,包括癌症。
癌症是消防員職業死亡的主要原因。自 2006 年以來,已有 300 多名現役和退休的三藩市消防員死於癌症。僅在過去的六年裡,我的 SFFD 同僚就有 160 多名被診斷出罹患癌症。這些診斷大多發生在 50 歲之後,凸顯我們工作的時間越長,我們的風險就越大。
提案H將拯救生命。它允許消防員在 55 歲時退休,以減少面臨這些致命風險的機會。
如今,這個制度非常不公平 — 2012 年之前僱用的消防員可以在55 歲退休,而2012 年之後僱用的消防員必須等到58 歲退休。提案H糾正了這種不平等,確保我們所有人都有相同的機會來保障我們的健康。
透過將消防員退休年齡恢復到 2012 年的標準,我們可以降低市府不斷上漲的工傷賠償費用,釋放資源,使退休年齡對所有人來說都是公平的。
提案H幫助拯救每天冒險維護我們社區安全的消防員的生命。請對 H 投下贊成票並拯救消防員的生命。
John Maguire
這項論據的刊登費用的資金真正來源是: 為了消防員的健康和安全贊成提案H,三藩市消防員工會本地798。
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是: 1. 三藩市消防員工會本地798 PAC, 2. 洛杉磯市聯合消防員本地 112 - 議題委員會, 3. 三藩市消防員工會本地798- 普通基金。
在過去幾年,新的研究證明,消防員從事危及生命的工作時間越長,罹癌的機率就會大大增加。他們不僅面臨火災,還暴露在 PFAS(永遠的化學物質)、有毒化學物質、煙霧和煙氣中。癌症是消防員職業死亡的主要原因,他們死於該疾病的風險比一般人高 14%。
自 2006 年以來,已有 300 多名在職和退休的三藩市消防員因癌症喪生。過去六年已有超過 160 例確診。這些診斷大多發生在 50 歲以上的消防員身上,突顯出他們工作時間越長,面臨的風險就越高。
提案H 將退休年齡調整回2012 年選民批准的 55 歲來拯救消防員的生命。
更重要的是,消防員之間的退休年齡存在不公平的差距 — 2012年之前受聘的消防員可以在55歲退休,但2012年之後受聘的消防員必須等到58歲才能退休。標準化退休年齡來糾正這種不平等,確保所有消防員都有相同的機會來保障他們的健康。
提案H 對於保障我們消防員的健康、保護他們避免接觸更多致癌化學物質以及確保他們獲得應有的公平合理的退休福利至關重要。
在11 月 5 日,投票贊成H。
Fiona Ma, 加州財政部長*
Alan Wong, 市立大學董事會主席*
Stanley Lee, 亞裔消防員協會主席*
這項論據的刊登費用的資金真正來源是: 為了消防員的健康和安全贊成提案H,三藩市消防員工會本地798。
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是: 1. 三藩市消防員工會本地798 PAC, 2. 洛杉磯市聯合消防員本地 112 - 議題委員會, 3. 三藩市消防員工會本地798 - 普通基金。
作為一名前消防局醫生,我親眼目睹了癌症對三藩市消防員及其家人造成的毀滅性影響。眾所周知,癌症是三藩市最勇敢的消防員職業死亡的主要原因。消防員死於癌症的比率比一般人高 14%,主要是因為他們反覆接觸有毒化學物質、煙霧和 PFAS(永遠的化學物質)等有害物質。自 2006 年以來,三藩市已有 300 多名現役和退休消防員死於癌症,僅在過去六年就有 160 多名消防員被診斷出患有這種致命疾病。這些診斷大多數發生在 50 歲之後,凸顯了年長的消防員面臨的風險增加。
底線?提案H將允許消防員在 55 歲而不是 58 歲退休,從而降低癌症的風險,並拯救生命。
提案H還解決了當前系統中的一個重大不平等問題,即是2012 年之前受聘的人員可以在55 歲退休,但2012 年之後受聘的人員必須等到58 歲才能退休。透過標準化的退休年齡,提案H確保公平對待所有消防員,無論其何時獲聘。
我敦促您投票贊成提案H,並成為 SF 英雄的英雄。
Jennifer Brokaw, MD
這項論據的刊登費用的資金真正來源是: 為了消防員的健康和安全贊成提案H,三藩市消防員工會本地798。
委員會提供資金的真正來源的三大貢獻者是:1. 三藩市消防員工會本地798 PAC, 2. 洛杉磯市聯合消防員本地 112 - 議題委員會, 3. 三藩市消防員工會本地798 - 普通基金。
Paid Arguments Against Proposition H
Legal Text
Describing and setting forth a proposal to the voters at an election to be held on November 5, 2024, to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to change the age factor percentage for benefit calculations such that persons who have or will become members of the Fire Department on and after January 7, 2012 reach a higher age factor percentage at earlier ages and lower from 58 to 55 the retirement age at which persons who have or will become members of the Fire Department on and after January 7, 2012 reach the highest age factor percentage.
Section 1. Findings.
(b) Proposition C amended the Charter to increase pension contribution rates for employees hired on and after January 7, 2012. In addition, it raised the retirement ages for which members of the Fire Department hired on and after January 7, 2012 receive the highest percentage for each year of credited service for retirement benefit calculations and raised the age at which employees reach the highest percentage from age 55 to 58.
(c) In the more than 12 years since this pension reform, the financial outlook of the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System has improved significantly.
(d) Members of the Fire Department uniquely face both short- and long-term health
complications as a result of their occupation. The City relies on our firefighters to be the first responders to a plethora of dangerous circumstances, most notably active fires but also many other instances of trauma or tragedy. Beyond these immediate high-risk threats, the conditions that City firefighters endure have demonstrably increased their risk of adverse long-term health impacts. According to the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation, San Francisco’s female firefighters have a rate of breast cancer that is six times higher than the national average, and over the past 20 years, the Fire Department has lost more than 300 firefighters to cancer. Furthermore, national research shows that firefighters experience higher rates of behavioral health issues than the general public. According to the International Association of Fire Fighters, 20% of firefighters and paramedics meet the criteria for post-traumatic stress at some point during their careers, while the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation reports that the suicide rate for firefighters is higher than the rate for the general public.
(e) Additionally, the Fire Department has few positions that are not directly in the field, meaning that members of the Fire Department are asked to enter active fires and other dangerous circumstances regardless of their age. In 2024, only approximately 180 out of 1800 positions in the San Francisco Fire Department are not “in the field” or on frontline service delivery, and these jobs are dependent on promotions, not seniority of employee tenure. As a result, the risk of severe injury and health complications is further heightened for members of the Fire Department over age 55, as demonstrated by data from the Department of Human Resources that show a positive correlation between increased age, number of injuries, and workers’
compensation claim costs.
(f) This Charter amendment aims to recognize the distinctive and brave work of the members of the Fire Department and to lessen the adverse health impacts firefighters experience. By allowing members of the Fire Department to retire with up to 90% of their final compensation at age 55 while maintaining the increased contribution rates for employees imposed by Proposition C in 2011, the City simultaneously accomplishes these important goals. In doing so, the City ensures that our firefighters can enter retirement with financial security without facing an additional three years of potential health risks.
Section 2. The Board of Supervisors hereby submits to the qualified voters of the City and County, at an election to be held on November 5, 2024, a proposal to amend the Charter of the City and County by revising Sections A8.604, A8.604-1, and A8.604-2, and adding Section A8.604-17, to read as follows:
NOTE: Unchanged Charter text and uncodified text are in plain font.
Additions are single-underline italics Times New Roman font.
Deletions are strike-through italics Times New Roman font.
Asterisks (* * * *) indicate the omission of unchanged Charter subsections.
Persons who become members of the fire department, as defined in Section A8.604-1, on and after January 7, 2012, shall be members of the Retirement System subject to the provisions of Sections A8.604 through A8.604-176 in addition to such other applicable provisions of this Charter, including but not limited to Sections 12.100 and A8.500.
The following words and phrases as used in this Section, Section A8.604, and Sections A8.604-2 through A8.604-176, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings:
"Retirement allowance," "death allowance," or "allowance," shall mean equal monthly payments, beginning to accrue upon the date of retirement, or upon the day following the date of death, as the case may be, and continuing for life unless a different term of payment is definitely provided by the context.
"Compensation," as distinguished from benefits under the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of California shall mean all remuneration whether in cash or by other allowances made by the City and County, for service qualifying for credit under this Section, but excluding remuneration for overtime and such other forms of compensation excluded by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section A8.500 of the Charter. Remuneration shall not mean new premiums or allowances first paid by the City and County after January 7, 2012, that exceed the rate of pay fixed for each classification for service qualifying for credit under this Section. For members with concurrent service in more than one position, "compensation" shall be limited to the first hours paid during any fiscal year equal to one full-time equivalent position. "Compensation" for any fiscal year shall not include remuneration that exceeds 75% of the limits set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17) and as amended from time to time.
Subject to the requirements that it be payable in cash, and that overtime and new premiums or allowances first paid by the City and County after January 7, 2012 are excluded, "compensation" for pension purposes may be defined in a collective bargaining agreement.
"Compensation earnable" shall mean the compensation which would have been earned had the member received compensation without interruption throughout the period under consideration and at the rates of remuneration attached at that time to the ranks or positions held by him or her the member during such period, it being assumed that during any absence, he or she the member was in the rank or position held by him or her the member at the beginning of the absence, and that prior to becoming a member of the fire department, he or she the member was in the rank or position first held by him or her the member in such department.
"Benefit" shall include "allowance," "retirement allowance," "death allowance" and "death benefit."
"Final compensation" shall mean the average monthly compensation earned by a member during the higher of any three consecutive fiscal years of earnings or the thirty six consecutive months of earnings immediately prior to retirement.
For the purpose of Sections A8.604 through A8.604-176, the terms "member of the fire department," "member of the department," or "member" shall mean any member of the fire department employed on and after January 7, 2012, who was or shall be subject to the Charter provisions governing entrance requirements of members of the uniformed force of said department and said terms shall further mean persons employed on and after January 7, 2012, at an age not greater than the maximum age then prescribed for entrance into employment in said
uniformed force, to perform duties now performed under the titles of pilot of fireboats, or marine engineer of fireboats; provided, however, that said terms shall not include any person who has not satisfactorily completed such course of training as may be required by the fire department prior to assignment to active duty with said department.
“Qualified for service retirement," "qualification for service retirement," or "qualified as to age and service for retirement," as used in this Section and other Sections to which persons who are members under Section A8.604 are subject, shall mean completion of 25 years of service and attainment of age 50, said service to be computed under Section A8.604-10.
"Retirement System" or "system" shall mean San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System as created in Sections 12.100 and A8.500 of the Charter.
"Retirement Board" shall mean "Retirement Board" as created in Section 12.100 of the Charter.
"Charter" shall mean the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.
* * * *
"Interest" shall mean interest at the rate adopted by the Retirement Board.
Any member of the fire department, who completes at least five years of service in the aggregate and attains the age of fifty (50) years, said service to be computed under Section A8.604-10, may retire for service at his or her the member’s option. A member retired after meeting the service and age requirements in the preceding sentence, shall receive a retirement allowance equal to the percent of final compensation (as defined in Section A8.604-1) set forth below opposite his or her the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, for each year of service, as computed under Section A8.604-10:
Age at Retirement | Percent for Each Year of Credited Service |
50 50.25 |
2.400 2.430 |
50.5 | 2.460 |
50.75 | 2.490 |
51 | 2.520 |
51.25 | 2.550 |
51.5 | 2.580 |
51.75 | 2.610 |
52 | 2.640 |
52.25 | 2.670 |
52.5 | 2.700 |
52.75 | 2.730 |
53 | 2.760 |
53.25 | 2.790 |
53.5 | 2.820 |
53.75 | 2.850 |
54 | 2.880 |
54.25 | 2.910 |
54.5 | 2.940 |
54.75 | 2.970 |
55+ | 3.000 |
In no event shall a member’s initial retirement allowance exceed 90%ninety percent of his or her the member’s average final compensation.
The amendment to Sections A8.604-1 and A8-604-2, effective January 1, 2025, shall not apply to any member of the Retirement System who separated from service, retired, or died before that date, or to that member’s continuant.